Automatic Tubig Machine Business
Php1300000 Outdoor Type. The Water Vending Piso Water Automatic Tubig Machine ATM Piso Water Machine is affordable to own it wont break your banks pocket. Ikool Water Home Facebook Good Luck po sa New Business nyo. Automatic tubig machine business . No employees needed - We know that this is a major overhead cost and its not easy to find a trustworthy employee. You just need a small capital to start this kind of business from 7000 12000 pesos. CLEAN SAFE AND AFFORDABLE DRINKING WATER. ATM Automatic Tubig Machine PISO COIN Water Vendo. No employee needed small space needed sure investment coin operated. Filipino invented Automated Tubig Machine ATM is now hitting the mainstream market with its. Nowadays automated machines are in demand for they make numerous activities not only easier but also more efficient. VLOG BISDAKTHANKS FOR WATCHINGJMPAUTOM. BusinessAutomatic Tubig MachineThis My Official AccountPersonal VideoPlease Like Comment Subscribe JMP. - Ehd...